Forefathers, a Special Art Event in Helsinki

Forefathers, a special art event presenting Michael Rogatchi’s contemporary spiritual art, took place at one of the most prestigious venues of the Finnish capital, at the Crypt of the Helsinki Cathedral.

The event was co-organised by the Finnish Karmel Society and the Rogatchi Foundation.

The purpose of this one-day event was to present a unique collection of Michael Rogatchi’s contemporary spiritual art to the Finnish public. Although, a part of Michael’s The Matriarchs and The Patriarchs unique art series had been shown in Finland previously, the entire collection had not been presented in Finland. Also, some of the other works in this collection had never been shown in Finland.

Exhibited were over twenty giclées (art replicas) of these famous art collections, adding to The Patriarchs and The Matriarchs series several related works, and thus placing the core collection in the context of the modern perception of spiritual art and its themes by the artist and contemporary audience.

A special tour by the artist has become an essential part of a special event. During his highly interesting and original tour presented with great depth, Michael offered his viewers many unique insights into his work in the highly challenging area of contemporary spiritual art, and portrayed the process of creating a contemporary artistic interpretation of classical spiritual history and its heroes. Many years of the artist’s work in this particular area of art has provided him with valuable knowledge and experience which he shared generously with his audience, and was a huge success.

Those attending were vividly engaged with very high interest in the artist’s special tour of the exhibition of his spiritual works. Many people commented that the event was simply ‘unprecedented’.

“I do not remember this sort of an exhibition and event neither in Helsinki, nor in Finland, ever”,- concluded Michel Grunstein, member of the board of The Holocaust Remembrance Association Society of Finland. Translator and philologist Sirpa Bagman who used to work for five years as a volunteer at Yad Vashem commented that the event was ‘an exclusive’. Members of the public asked many questions of the artist, and shared their impressions and interpretations evoked by the Michael’s art.

People arrived at this rare event from many places in Finland, coming to Helsinki to attend it specifically from all over the country, including some quite remote places of it. Among those people were the ones belonging to ‘the Rogatchis’ Art Solidarity Group’ whose members are known for travelling to art events organised by the Foundation all over the world, and in particular, in Israel, and supporting the causes of the events directly, faithfully and steadily.

“Never in my life have I seen any kind of art such as Michael’s, except Marc Chagall’s works; and must say that it is extremely impressive and stays with all of us who attend his exhibitions and follow his art career, for a very long run; forever”, – said teacher and Art Solidarity Group activist, Auri Rantakari.

Famous Finnish actress and director Maija-Liisa Marton contributed to the special art event by the reading a collection of Psalms. The collection has been elaborated for the art event specifically by Chief Rabbi of Estonia Rabbi Shmuel Kot. This part of the event brought to the audience a moment of warm mediation and contributed greatly to the event’s friendly, engaging, and special atmosphere.

Michael Rogatchi’s series of contemporary spiritual art is featured in Inna Rogatchi’s musical video-essay Forefathers which can be watched here: